Data Structures and Abstractions with Java

Learn the essential data structures and algorithms in Java to improve your programming efficiency and problem-solving skills.

(DS-JAVA.AP1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-381-3
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About This Course

Our training course offers an in-depth exploration of essential data structures and their applications in Java programming. Starting with the foundation concepts such as encapsulation and Java interfaces, the course discusses various data structures, including bags, stacks, queues, lists, and trees, and their implementations. Key topics of our data structure course include algorithm efficiency, recursion, sorting, and hashing. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to organize and manipulate data efficiently, improving your programming and decision-making skills.

Skills You’ll Get

  • Implement data structures using arrays and linked lists.
  • Monitor and optimize algorithm effectiveness and efficiency using Big Oh notation.
  • Develop skills in recursion and solving problems using recursive methods.
  • Utilize various sorting algorithms, including selection, insertion, merge, and quick sort.
  • Gain expertise in hashing techniques and implementing dictionaries.
  • Experiment with use cases of balanced search trees like AVL trees and red-black trees.
  • Implement different Java data structures.
  • Familiarity with Java-specific concepts like interfaces, generics, and exceptions.
  • Get practical experience in designing and reusing classes, and using Java's class library.

Interactive Lessons

37+ Interactive Lessons | 291+ Exercises | 506+ Quizzes | 523+ Flashcards | 523+ Glossary of terms

Gamified TestPrep

146+ Pre Assessment Questions | 145+ Post Assessment Questions |



  • Organizing Data

Prelude: Designing Classes

  • Encapsulation
  • Specifying Methods
  • Java Interfaces
  • Choosing Classes
  • Reusing Classes
  • Exercises
  • Projects


  • The Bag
  • Specifying a Bag
  • Using the ADT Bag
  • Using an ADT Is Like Using a Vending Machine
  • The ADT Set
  • Java Class Library: The Interface Set
  • Java Interlude 1: Generics
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tip
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Bag Implementations That Use Arrays

  • Using a Fixed-Size Array to Implement the ADT Bag
  • Using Array Resizing to Implement the ADT Bag
  • The Pros and Cons of Using an Array to Implement the ADT Bag
  • Java Interlude 2 Exceptions
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tips
  • Exercises
  • Projects

A Bag Implementation That Links Data

  • Linked Data
  • A Linked Implementation of the ADT Bag
  • Removing an Item from a Linked Chain
  • A Class Node That Has Set and Get Methods
  • The Pros and Cons of Using a Chain to Implement the ADT Bag
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tip
  • Exercises
  • Projects

The Efficiency of Algorithms

  • Motivation
  • Measuring an Algorithm’s Efficiency
  • Big Oh Notation
  • Picturing Efficiency
  • The Efficiency of Implementations of the ADT Bag
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects


  • Specifications of the ADT Stack
  • Using a Stack to Process Algebraic Expressions
  • The Program Stack
  • Java Class Library: The Class Stack
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tip
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Stack Implementations

  • A Linked Implementation
  • An Array-Based Implementation
  • A Vector-Based Implementation
  • Java Interlude 3: More About Exceptions
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Queues, Deques, and Priority Queues

  • The ADT Queue
  • The ADT Deque
  • The ADT Priority Queue
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tip
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Queue, Deque, and Priority Queue Implementations

  • A Linked Implementation of a Queue
  • An Array-Based Implementation of a Queue
  • Circular Linked Implementations of a Queue
  • Java Class Library: The Class AbstractQueue
  • A Doubly Linked Implementation of a Deque
  • Possible Implementations of a Priority Queue
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tip
  • Exercises
  • Projects


  • What Is Recursion?
  • Tracing a Recursive Method
  • Recursive Methods That Return a Value
  • Recursively Processing an Array
  • Recursively Processing a Linked Chain
  • The Time Efficiency of Recursive Methods
  • Tail Recursion
  • Using a Stack Instead of Recursion
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tips
  • Exercises
  • Projects


  • Specifications for the ADT List
  • Using the ADT List
  • Java Class Library: The Interface List
  • Java Class Library: The Class ArrayList
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects

A List Implementation That Uses an Array

  • Using an Array to Implement the ADT List
  • The Efficiency of Using an Array to Implement the ADT List
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects

A List Implementation That Links Data

  • Operations on a Chain of Linked Nodes
  • Beginning the Implementation
  • Continuing the Implementation
  • A Refined Implementation
  • The Efficiency of Using a Chain to Implement the ADT List
  • Java Class Library: The Class LinkedList
  • Java Interlude 4: Iterators
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Iterators for the ADT List

  • Ways to Implement an Iterator
  • A Separate Class Iterator
  • An Inner Class Iterator
  • Why Are Iterator Methods in Their Own Class?
  • An Array-Based Implementation of the Interface ListIterator
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tip
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Problem Solving with Recursion

  • A Simple Solution to a Difficult Problem
  • A Poor Solution to a Simple Problem
  • Languages and Grammars
  • Indirect Recursion
  • Backtracking
  • Java Interlude 5: More About Generics
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects

An Introduction to Sorting

  • Organizing Java Methods That Sort an Array
  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Shell Sort
  • Comparing the Algorithms
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tip
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Faster Sorting Methods

  • Merge Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Radix Sort
  • Comparing the Algorithms
  • Java Interlude 6: Mutable and Immutable Objects
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Sorted Lists

  • Specifications for the ADT Sorted List
  • A Linked Implementation
  • An Implementation That Uses the ADT List
  • Java Interlude 7: Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Inheritance and Lists

  • Using Inheritance to Implement a Sorted List
  • Designing a Base Class
  • An Efficient Implementation of a Sorted List
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tips
  • Exercises
  • Projects


  • The Problem
  • Searching an Unsorted Array
  • Searching a Sorted Array
  • Searching an Unsorted Chain
  • Searching a Sorted Chain
  • Choosing a Search Method
  • Java Interlude 8: Generics Once Again
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tip
  • Exercises
  • Projects


  • Specifications for the ADT Dictionary
  • Using the ADT Dictionary
  • Java Class Library: The Interface Map
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tips
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Dictionary Implementations

  • Array-Based Implementations
  • Linked Implementations
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tips
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Introducing Hashing

  • What Is Hashing?
  • Hash Functions
  • Resolving Collisions
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Hashing as a Dictionary Implementation

  • The Efficiency of Hashing
  • Rehashing
  • Comparing Schemes for Collision Resolution
  • A Dictionary Implementation That Uses Hashing
  • Java Class Library: The Class HashMap
  • Java Class Library: The Class HashSet
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects


  • Tree Concepts
  • Traversals of a Tree
  • Java Interfaces for Trees
  • Examples of Binary Trees
  • Examples of General Trees
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Tree Implementations

  • The Nodes in a Binary Tree
  • An Implementation of the ADT Binary Tree
  • An Implementation of an Expression Tree
  • General Trees
  • Using a Binary Tree to Represent a General Tree
  • Java Interlude 9: Cloning
  • Lesson Summary
  • Programming Tips
  • Exercises
  • Projects

A Binary Search Tree Implementation

  • Getting Started
  • Searching and Retrieving
  • Traversing
  • Adding an Entry
  • Removing an Entry
  • The Efficiency of Operations
  • An Implementation of the ADT Dictionary
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects

A Heap Implementation

  • Reprise: The ADT Heap
  • Using an Array to Represent a Heap
  • Adding an Entry
  • Removing the Root
  • Creating a Heap
  • Heap Sort
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Balanced Search Trees

  • AVL Trees
  • 2-3 Trees
  • 2-4 Trees
  • Red-Black Trees
  • B-Trees
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects


  • Some Examples and Terminology
  • Traversals
  • Topological Order
  • Paths
  • Java Interfaces for the ADT Graph
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Graph Implementations

  • An Overview of Two Implementations
  • Vertices and Edges
  • An Implementation of the ADT Graph
  • Lesson Summary
  • Exercises
  • Projects

Appendix A: Documentation and Programming Style

  • Naming Variables and Classes
  • Indenting
  • Comments

Appendix B: Java Classes

  • Objects and Classes
  • Using the Methods in a Java Class
  • Defining a Java Class
  • Enumeration as a Class
  • Packages

Appendix C: Creating Classes from Other Classes

  • Composition
  • Inheritance
  • Type Compatibility and Superclasses

Supplement 1: Java Basics

  • Introduction
  • Elements of Java
  • Simple Input and Output Using the Keyboard and Screen
  • The if-else Statement
  • The switch Statement
  • Enumerations
  • Scope
  • Loops
  • The Class String
  • The Class StringBuilder
  • Using Scanner to Extract Pieces of a String
  • Arrays
  • Wrapper Classes

Supplement 2: File Input and Output

  • Preliminaries
  • Text Files
  • Binary Files


  • Counting the Occurrence of Each Item in a Bag
  • Performing Matrix Multiplication
  • Transposing a Matrix
  • Finding the Intersection of Two Arrays

Bag Implementations That Use Arrays

  • Handling an Exception

A Bag Implementation That Links Data

  • Counting the Entries in a Bag
  • Adding a Node at the End of a Doubly Linked Chain
  • Removing First Node from a Doubly Linked Chain

The Efficiency of Algorithms

  • Adding Nodes to the Beginning of a Doubly Linked Chain
  • Searching an Entry in a Bag
  • Rearranging the Integers in an Array


  • Creating a Stack and Adding Five Elements to it
  • Removing an Element from a Stack
  • Searching an Element in a Stack
  • Transferring the Elements of One Stack to Another
  • Transforming an Infix Expression to a Postfix Expression
  • Evaluating a Postfix Expression
  • Evaluating an Infix Expression
  • Testing an Input String for Palindrome Using a Stack

Stack Implementations

  • Creating an Array-Based Stack to Retrieve the Topmost Entry
  • Creating a Vector-Based Stack to Retrieve the Topmost Entry
  • Creating Custom Exception Class

Queues, Deques, and Priority Queues

  • Creating a Queue
  • Creating a Deque
  • Creating a Priority Queue

Queue, Deque, and Priority Queue Implementations

  • Removing the First Element from a Circular Linked Queue
  • Removing the First Element from a Doubly Linked Deque


  • Creating a Recursive Void Method to Print First Five Natural Numbers
  • Traversing the Elements of a Linked List in Reverse Order
  • Creating a Recursive Method to Return the Factorial of a Number


  • Replacing an Element in the Linked List

A List Implementation That Uses an Array

  • Removing an Element from the Specified Position in a Linked List
  • Locating an Element in the Linked List

A List Implementation That Links Data

  • Adding an Element at the Specified Position in a Linked List
  • Converting an ArrayList to an Array

Iterators for the ADT List

  • Working with a List
  • Traversing a List
  • Removing Duplicates from the List

Problem Solving with Recursion

  • Evaluating a Prefix Expression

An Introduction to Sorting

  • Sorting an Array using Selection Sort
  • Sorting an Array using Insertion Sort
  • Sorting an Array using Shell Sort

Faster Sorting Methods

  • Sorting an Array using Merge Sort
  • Sorting an Array using Quick Sort
  • Sorting an Array using Radix Sort
  • Replacing a Word Using the StringBuilder Class

Sorted Lists

  • Inserting an Element into a Sorted Array
  • Using Polymorphism
  • Using the Abstract Class

Inheritance and Lists

  • Sorting a List using Inheritance


  • Performing Sequential Search
  • Performing Binary Search


  • Implementing a Dictionary
  • Implementing a Map

Dictionary Implementations

  • Searching for a Key in a Dictionary

Introducing Hashing

  • Using Linear Probing in a Hash Table

Hashing as a Dictionary Implementation

  • Implementing HashMap


  • Traversing a Binary Tree using Inorder Traversal
  • Traversing a Binary Tree using Preorder Traversal
  • Traversing a Binary Tree Using Postorder Traversal

Tree Implementations

  • Counting the Nodes of a Binary Tree
  • Computing the Height of a Binary Tree

A Binary Search Tree Implementation

  • Searching a Node in the Binary Search Tree
  • Removing a Node from a Binary Search Tree

A Heap Implementation

  • Adding Nodes to a Max Heap
  • Removing the Maximum Value Node from a Max Heap
  • Sorting an Array using Heap Sort

Balanced Search Trees

  • Adding Nodes to an AVL Tree


  • Using the DFS Traversal
  • Using the BFS Traversal
  • Using Topological Sort
  • Using Dijkstra's Algorithm

Graph Implementations

  • Printing an Adjacency List
  • Printing an Adjacency Matrix

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Data structures and abstractions (DSA) involve organizing and managing data efficiently and using abstraction to simplify complex data manipulation. 

Abstraction in Java is the concept of hiding the implementation details and showing only the essential features of an object, typically achieved through interfaces and abstract classes.

Yes, DSA is important for Java developers as it assists in writing efficient code, optimizing performance, and solving complex problems.

It is possible to learn the basics of DSA in 1 month with consistent study and practice, but mastering it may take longer. What you can do is accelerate your learning time with our data structures in Java course, packed with engaging labs and gamified test preps.

Beginners can start with a structured course like ours on DSA to practice coding problems and implement data structures & algorithms.

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